Maggie Robinson Artist SWA MAFA
Maggie Robinson Artist SWA MAFA  

Mountains, Lakes and Lochs




'Music is a world within itself' Acrylic on wood Size h96cm x w107cm £2250 (Currently NFS)

'Colours are the smiles of Nature' Acrylic Size h78 x w92cm £1350 (currently NFS)

111 'Merging melodies' Acrylic Framed size w87 x h89cm £1550(Currently available from the Old Courthouse Gallery Ambleside)

113 'Nature's Wintry Breath' Acrylic Size w99 x h81cm Framed in Art Glass £1650 (Currently available from the Old Courthouse Gallery Ambleside)

109 'A tune that rests upon the heart' Acrylic on wood Size h95 x w105 cm £2300 (Currently available from the Old Courthouse Gallery Ambleside)

102 'The concert of nature' Acrylic Size h91 x w91cm  SOLD

 'The beautiful tune will chill you down' Acrylic Size h74 x w80cm  SOLD

101 'The eternal hush of silence' Acrylic h77 x w94 cm £1350  (Currently available from the Old Courthouse Gallery Ambleside)

105 'The world is quiet here' Acrylic Size h72 x w82 (SOLD)

104 'Nature joins the dance' Acrylic Size h61 x w70 SOLD

103 'The silence becomes a celebration'  Acrylic h81 x w82 SOLD

'Mingled in moonlight' Acrylic on wood Size h58 x w58cm £895 (Currently available from the Next Door Gallery in West Didsbury)

118 'Awakening rhythms' Mixed media Size w58 x h58cm £895 (Currently available from the Next Door Gallery in West Didsbury)

114 'So hushed an air' Acrylic on board Size h60 x w70cm £875 (Currently available from the Old Courthouse Gallery Ambleside)

'Melody of the night' Acrylic on canvas board Sizw h44 x w44cm £425 (Currently available from theLook Gallery Helmsley)

'Walking in harmony' Acrylic on canvas board Size h44 x w44cm £425 ( Currently available from the Look Gallery Helmsley)

137 'A soft eye music of slow-waving boughs' Acrylic on Board Size h27 x w32cm Unframed £350 (Currently available from the Old Courthouse Gallery Ambleside)

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© Brian Robinson